Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mission Convnetion Reflections

So far, we have had two missionaries visit this month. I have experienced something that I did not expect in their ministry. First, we heard form John Marical, who is 3/4 Mohawk and ministers to Native Americans. Then we heard from Jim Babcock, leading an aftercare ministry for ex-offenders. Jim had done time in prison before he was saved and called to ministry.

Here is the unexpected part. Usually we have no difficulties hearing about ministries to other cultures and other nations. However, I could tell that these two ministries taking place in the US touched on prejudices that we have in America. There is often a racial prejudice toward Native Americans. Like wise, there is often a prejudice against ex-offenders and parolees.

The depth of impact is not that these two missionaries are ministering to these two sub cultures in the larger American cultural picture. The depth of impact was that both of our missionaries are from those sub-cultures, and in them. It is good for us to get shaken up from time to time. We get comfortable, falsely thinking that it is not our responsibility to reach people who are not like us. What a great reminder that Jesus does not look at our race, language, dress, or past history to determine our worth, value or potential. Jesus loves and saves. You may not think about it living in the mid-west, but being a disciple of Jesus makes you a part of one of the most diverse groups on the planet.
"...all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13

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