Friday, February 13, 2009

We Still Have A Mission Field

This morning I was helping in a class at the public school and had one of those amazing God moments. Yes, I have had several great God moments at Washington West this spring! I will start blogging some of them.

I was in a classroom and one of the boys in the class was so excited that HIS PASTOR was in his class! He just kept saying, that's my Pastor, that's my Pastor. His mom and dad are both teachers at our church and they have a great family. OK, here is what got me. A little girl across the table from him said, "What's a Pastor?"

Just when you think that everyone is a Christian and living in the mid-west is living in burnt over territory for reaching the lost you meet a child like this. I was so excited for the future of this young man in our church. He is befriending those who don't know about Jesus or His Church. I look forward to the days ahead when these children will be sharing stories of their witnessing opportunities in life.

Last week I had the immense privilege of meeting with some new Christians (adults) in our church, teaching them how to look up Bible verses. I explained why we call the Gospel of Mark, a "book." I explained what a chapter was and what a verse was, and how they are written out (Mark 16:15).

Let's not get lazy and think, "Well, everyone knows about Jesus..." Many do not know about Jesus. Many more may know something, but it is twisted and slanted information from a cult or anti-Christian media source. Many, many more, know the truth but don't benefit from a good local church and a good Pastor who loves people and loves Jesus. We still have a mission field.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had an occasion where my son was wearing his "Jesus Rocks!" t-shirt to the library. I had a small child ask me where Jesus' band played. Ha Ha. As they say, "out of the mouths of babes" Mike and & got to tell him a little bit about Jesus when the mother came up and wondered what was goin on. At that time, he asked his mother why she never told him about Jesus. She was floored. I invited her to church, but she said that they would go to one in Union where they live.