Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monday March Meeting Minutes

Monday night was our special business meeting to set our church in order as a General Council church. I was so proud of our members! It was a long meeting and so I am extra proud of Davis Gruber (6) who sat patiently through the whole thing! Way to go Davis.

We elected five Elders (board members). Louie Day and Darin Gruber were elected to three year terms. LeRoy Morgan and Laura Glastetter were elected to two year terms, and Bob Montgomery was elected to a one year term. I am so proud of the individuals who were on the ballot. The Lord has blessed us with a number of great people that can run for Elder (board) positions.

Here are a few highlights for me personally.
1. Our church is amazingly peaceful. I think that our District representatives were pleased and surprised at the peaceful feeling of our meeting.
2. Our church is wonderfully united. We know what we value and we knkow what we believe.
3. God is helping us to grow in number and in intimacy with God.
4. Our church is intense about God and the mission he has left us, but we are relaxed about the business process and understand that relationship with God and others is first, business is second.

Let's keep up the good work. Let's work together. Let's pray every day for our church and our friends at Church and Small Group.

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