Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Matthew 5-7: The Sermon on the Marraige

People pay a lot of money for marriage counseling that basically tells them that to have a happy marriage they must work on: communication, self-control, loving kindness, preferring one another above ones self, forgiving past mistakes, and so on.

It sounds to me like the real issue is applying the relationship rules of the Sermon on the Mount to marriage. If we use the rules and principals of Christianity at home, like we do at work and at church, maybe our homes would be places of peace. Some people are happy at work and at church because they and their spouse live by the Word of God in public. Thus, they are happy in public. But at home, there is no peace because the relationship rules of the Sermon on the Mount are not followed.

Here are a few to study and apply to marriage.
1. Matthew 5:23-26 - Settle disagreements.
2. Matthew 5:27-30 - Maintain sexual purity.
3. Matthew 5:37 - Communicate clearly and honestly.
4. Matthew 5:41-42 - Go the extra mile for others.
5. Matthew 6:14-15 - Be forgiving.
6. Matthew 7:1-3 - Harsh judgement can go two ways.
7. Matthew 7:12 - The golden rule.

No one is perfect. I have to work on these as much as the next guy. It is God's Word. These are the rules and principals that Jesus gave us for peacefully living together. I realize that this is difficult to follow through with when your spouse will not follow these same relationship rules. But, just as they are effective in relating to erring behavior in your community, they are effective in the home. Your marriage is your most important human relationship. Let's try applying these to our homes this week. I am praying for your marriage today.

III John 2 ya'

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