Friday, September 10, 2010

Thoughts on Burning The Koran

There is way too much commentary already on the Koran burning mess in Florida.

Here is all I am thinking. What a massive waste of time! For that church and the media.

Our church is a Pentecostal, Evangelical church too. Most Pentecostal, Bible believing, Evangelical churches think that the Koran burning event is a waste of time and/or wrong.

What really is sick is that the media blows the thing into this international scandal. Is the real purpose of media's coverage to alert the public to a real and large threat, or to make a church with the label of Pentecostal/Evangelical look stupid (though they have earned the third label). Why does the media cover crazy church, and ignore the hundreds of churches that are planning to celebrate September 11th by saying thank you to firefighters, Police Officers, and EMS personnel?

I am going to be picking up Panera Bread gift cards in a few minutes that we are adding to the gift bags for the emergency response heroes of Washington, Missouri tonight at our thank you dinner. It is gong to be a really fun and meaningful way to celebrate 9/11.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Place of Salvation, Deliverance, and Healing

Two weeks ago we started an extra prayer emphasis on Wednesday nights. Our first night focused on prayer for people to be saved. That very week God sent us two people who wanted to be saved. Stephanie and I have in turn been able to minister to about four other people through these encounters. We have been really busy with all of it. We have also seen God provide in some amazing ways! Keep praying.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Patriot's Day is September 11th. We are celebrating by serving a free all you can eat steak dinner to all Washington, MO Fire Dept. Police Dept. and EMS personnel. We are very excited! Light for the Lost is doing the steak in their huge cook wagon, so the food will be over the top good. The Lord has provided several items that we are going to put in gift bags to give out. We are having the dinner at the park pavilion on the river front. Nice spot. Pray for good weather.

We can't wait to say thanks to these folks who serve us individually and have also served the church several times this year in some tough situations. There is no program, no speeches. Just thanks.

Too Blogged Down

I am a bit frustrated lately. I have been so busy with stuff that the blog has really fallen into dis-use.

I want this blog to be a tool for encouragement and communication with the church and many other friends. It has the potential to be a great tool. But, I need some accountability to keep up with it more regularly. If you usually keep up on this blog, or subscribe to it, feel free to give me a bad time for not positng more often.

How Will We Live Then?

I hav entered a contest to sell copies of the book, "How Will We Live Then" It is a book that descirbes what the believer will experience in their future according to Bible prophecy. Most Bible prophecy teaching focuses on the horrible events on earth described in Revelation. What most Believers ask me about is, "What happens to me and to loved ones who know Jesus after we die?" This book answers these questions.

I encourage you to get the book, read it and even send me feed back. I am receiving feedback now so that I can update and revise the book in the future. God can powerfully use this book to motivate believers to be holy and to serve! With some expansion and revision, it can be even more effective.

Check out the discount code and the promotion page.