Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Men's Retreat

I am so proud of the men of our church!

We went to our District Men's Retreat this weekend. We won the award for the largest group at the retreat! But I am proud of our men for a much greater reason.

Over and over this weekend, I was complimented on the men of our group. Some were on the worship team and that is an obvious way to get a few compliments, many of them may be simply courtesy. But, in all honesty, our guys can really lead worship with a real anointing.

The compliments that meant the most were the ones that cam out of nowhere, and noticed very small things. I had several people comment on the positive and joyful attitude of some of the men including, Lance Langenberg, Steve Siebert, and Bill Taylor. I had a pastor comment on the amazing camaraderie they noticed in our men and how it bridged the age gaps. Another pastor commented on how well our men jumped in to serve the food at breakfast and work in a needed area. I was most excited at the great attitude of our men who competed in the competitions. We got second in everything (3 on 3, 3 on 3 under 30, 5 on 5, volley ball, tug of war, even in the canoe race, we got second. We just prefer others in love :).

Finally, I am so pleased that we had some great times of prayer. One young man received a vision for his vocation. I think that God did some miracles in some marriages this weekend. I know that God did more than I can know about with a group like ours. Praise the Lord!

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