Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"I Will Rebuke the Devourer"

"I Will Rebuke the Devourer..." is the promise of Malachi 3:11 for those who tithe. The NIV says he, "...will prevent pests..." but either way it refers to God's protection of your field and your work.

My work is being a pastor. My field is the congregation. As a faithful tither I am challenged today to trust God to prevent pests in my field and keep my harvest of souls healthy in their relationship with Jesus Christ. I am trusting God to defend the church I lead from the pests and devourers of gossip, bad doctrine, sickness, discord and other pests that keep the family of God from health and an abundant harvest of souls who love Jesus. Our children, our teens, our college students and our new believers are the developing harvest in my field. The mature saints, Elders, Staff, and Small Group leaders are the workers in the field helping to raise up that harvest.

Stand on the promise for a tither. He said he will do it!

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