Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Lost a Friend

I just found out that one week ago Norma Morris passed away. Norma was a resident at Cedar Crest Nursing Home where we do a monthly nursing home service. She was the coolest!

She often gave little gifts to my kids, like a banana, apple or box of raisins. I could tell what was happening. She was thinking about my kids days in advance and holding onto items from the cafeteria to give them. She did it because she was probably full of food and loved to give to people and this was how she could give. I don't know where, or how, she got them, but last month she gave each of the boys a ceramic cross. Ben was so excited about his cross that he made me put up a shelf in his room above his bunk bed for the cross to be near him at night.

What really made Norma special was her ability to write notes and letters of encouragement. She was extremely smart and articulate and wrote well. She had a monthly goal of writing 100 notes and cards every month. Some friends of Norma have stacks of notes that they have received over the years. I have fewer, one particularly that I will always keep. She finished the card with the most striking encouragement that I have ever received, "We are so lucky to have you in our universe."

The nursing home services will not be the same without my friend Norma Morris. We have been lucky to have Norma in our universe too.

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