Friday, February 26, 2010

Young Philanthropist

A young philanthropist was in the house last week week I discussed the Africa trip to a group of K through second grade Challenge Students last Friday morning. They are kids who have tested into an accelerated program in the Washington, Missouri schools.

I left them with a challenge to make them think and get their creative juices flowing. Many of the picture from Africa were about the river (creek) next to our work site. The general public was walking past our work site to take a bath, do dishes and laundry in the river. The ironic thing is that there was a government owned well just 100 yards from the river. Why could they not get clean water from the well? How could we get better water to these people?

One second grade student went home and set up a table in her yard, sat out in the cold (it is February!) with a sign that asked for money to go to clean water in Africa. Today her teachers called em to let me know she had raised $50 and some change.

I met with her and her mother today and we talked about the best way to use that money to help people who need clean water. I am excited to see if this goes any where else. It has a ton of promise. I am excited to see all the ways this mission trip is glorifying Jesus.

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