Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Multiplication of Grace and Peace

We all wrestle with those rough moments, or days, or even weeks, when we lack grace for others, miss out on moments of peace, and need more grace from God!

2 Peter 1 has a prayer from Simon Peter for believers.  He wrote the prayer almost 2,000 years ago, just before the persecution of Christians by Nero.  They needed this prayer!  But as I read his prayer, I am reminded that the prayers prayed in the past can be answered far into the future.  So, I am receptive today to receive the answer to Peter's prayer for believers today.

Peter prayed, "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord..."  Some days I need more of God's grace and more of his help to perceive his peace, keeping his peace in my life.  So, I am praying that God's grace and peace would not just be a part of my life, but be multiplied in my life.  Not just added to my life, but multiplied.  You see, 4+4=8, but 4X4=16.  I am praying that grace and peace be multiplied to you today in greater measure.

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