Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fire Fall

The worship team has been working on a new song that we will introduce at Fire Fall called, "Fire Fall Down." Click here for a sneak peek.

Now, let's all talk Tony into spiking out his hair like this worship leader. lol!

P.S. Hmmm, I wonder if anyone will comment on this one?

Halelujha Night

Tonight is work night! I love work night because I always make a new friend at work night. I am not kidding you, every year since the H. Night of 2003 I have developed a new friendship by working with people on H. Night set up. Don't miss out. This will be fun and we will get a lot done at the same time.

By the way. My job this year is to run the prize table again. I will bring the cappuccino maker tonight and will be making coffee for everyone who helps. Just a little treat I like to provide for everyone who works. I do a great mocha, a spiced honey latte, and some others.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fire Fall

Why are we calling our Fall spiritual emphasis, Fire Fall? It is based on an Old Testament story found in 1 Kings 18:18-40. You can read it by clicking on the link. In the story God revealed himself by fire, showing himself to be real, willing to intervene in human situations, and a God who hears prayer. We are believing that God will make himself real to you. We believe that God will intervene in your situations. We believe that God will answer your prayers during this special week.

We are expecting a special move of God as his blessings fall upon us. Fire is symbolic of several themes in the Bible. Fire is symbolic of God's purifying process (1 Cor. 3:13; Rev. 3:18). Fire is also symbolic of God's power (1 Thess 5:19; 2 Thess 1:7). Lastly, fire is symbolic of God's presence (Gen 15:17; Ex. 3:2; 13:21; Acts 2:3).

I am hungry for more of God! I am hungry for more of his purity, more of his power to strengthen me, and more of his presence to assure me.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Rewind

How Great is Our God, was really attacked by the Devil. The DVD we ordered did not come through. The golf balls we ordered were lost sue to an e-mail malfuntion in North Carolina. A ton of regular attenders in the second service were not at church at all on Sunday (which is demoralizing). Finally, most people (except for the visitors) showed up so late that the start of the second service was a little weird.

If you take away the visitors that we were blessed to have in the second service and just count regular attenders, the first service was larger! Thank God for visitors! Thank God for good attendance in the first service.

People were blessed by the message. Here is a link to Christian Book Distributors to get a copy for yourself.

Let's begin to pray today for Fire Fall. Fire Fall, is a Fall spiritual emphasis or revival that we are having, November 2nd through 5th. Services will be Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. and Monday through Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Evening services will be fast paced and will start promptly and on time. Nursery is being provided, but children (Jungle Jam age and up) are encouraged to attend, worship, listen, and pray with their families. We offer age appropriate ministry regularly, but our kids need to see up worship, and join us in prayer. We need to all get serious about corporate prayer and passionate worship in our church. I hope Fire Fall will be a turning point in our passion for God.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Potter's House

DVD's of the message, "God Molds Our Talents" are ready! This is the message on talents that included the pottery work of Fred Wyatt. If you would like a copy they are $1. WOW!!! That is really expensive. I have eight copies and can have more very quickly.

By the way, the pots that Fred threw on the wheel are coming out of the kiln today! They will be for sale in the foyer if you wish to purchsase one. Fred wants all the proceeds from the purchases to go to missions. We are thinking that we will give the funds to Speed the Light.

Church History

I was thinking this morning about our congregation. We are constantly looking forward because we are so passionate about growing and reaching the lost. We often look forward progressively so passionately that we forget about our past.

To fix this I want to start a project. I want to compile an accurate history of our church. I will find all the documents that are official. I know that I have one that is the written agreement between Rev. Pettet and the seller of the property to buy our 1.25 acres for $3,500 back in 1965. I will get stuff like that and some other things that pertain to the Assemblies of God in Washington prior to our church plant in 1965-66.

Most of you don't know it, but an AG church was attempted in the 1930's and 1950's also. neither were able to sustain themselves. One pastor was ridden out of town on a rail!

Here is where your part comes in. I need personal stories. If you or a friend were saved at First AG I want your testimony. Especially the testimonies of people who predate me as the Pastor!!! Please find a way to summarize your testimony in a one page document, 12 pt. font and one inch margins. I am very serious about this! We need to make sure that the youth of our church know the history of the church and the ways in which God has moved in our church in the past. We need to review the miracles of God and believe God to renew them in our day!

Please talk about this. Let's get a buzz going on this one. I want to include it in our next photo directory that we are going to update in the next few months with the help of Patt Harr. We may even create a small book on our Church's history that would be a stand alone volume.

Habakkuk 3:2
"LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."

Even if the rest of the Unites States of America rejects the Bible and the truth of the gospel, we can pray that in God's wrath he remembers mercy for us his people and we can and will see the miracles of God.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Please pray for our church and your Pastors:
-"How Great is Our God" outreach on October 26th
-Hallelujah Night on October 31st
-Fire Fall Spiritual Emphasis November 2-5
-A mom in the hospital with heart problems
-A teenage girl killed in a car accident, Pastor is speaking at the service
-A grandmother recovering from surgery this morning
-Two church members recovering from cancer treatment

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An Unusual Letter

Yesterday I received a letter in the church office that was unlike any letter I have ever received in 15 years of ministry!!! It was from a political candidate that was urging me to do several things. One, promote the individual in our services by obtaining and reading an Internet letter designed to be read to congregations from the candidate. Two, to invite people to church home groups where we would promote that candidate. Three, to promote issues that the candidate feels are important to their campaign by listing them for me in a four page letter for informing my congregation.

Obviously I am not going to do any of these things. I have never done those things for any candidate. When my friends talk to me face to face I will readily tell you who I am voting for and why. I have nothing to hide. But as a pastor, and as a church, we (I) do not promote individual candidates. When Jesus runs for office we will support a candidate!

The only thing that I will tell you in my blog is this, you need to vote with Biblical values when it comes to specific issues. As a Pastor I am unashamedly pro-life. The legalization of abortion in our country is bad law. Laws are made by people, and some laws are simply in error. For instance, there are current economic laws that I believe are bad (but no candidate is talking about them). There are proposals for new laws that are also bad. In a democracy like ours we have a part in promoting just and moral laws. Laws that destroy traditional marriage (one man and one woman) are wrong proposals. Laws that give equal marriage rights to civil unions are semantically promoting traditional marriage, but in content they are allowing same sex marriage.

I am voting my conscience when it comes to many fiscal issues. I am voting based on my experience since the early 1990's when I became independent and started keeping my tax records, applying for student grants, and doing my own finances as a college student. You can love Jesus and live wholeheartedly for him and disagree with me on money issues. But more important than voting my pocketbook, I am also voting my morals. When you go to vote in two weeks I urge you to remember that "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people." Proverbs 14:34.

Finally, get informed. Do your country some good, get out and vote! "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins" (James 4:17).

Monday, October 20, 2008


OK, this is very spiritual.
Pastor in 1956
Pastor in 1970
Pastor in 1978
Pastor in 1988
Unfortuanately, this last one is about accurate for me in 1988.

Investing in a Sermon

This year I am doing things a bit differently. I am investing in sermons. Not just time and prayer like I always have, but I am investing money in sermons trusting that you will invite your friends. We have invested in the Powerful Parenting Series and we are investing in the "How Great is Our God" message for October 26th. The message, invitations, and gifts that go along with the message cost almost $200.00. Why am I willing to spend that money? Because I want the very best I can provide to be available when you invite your friends to church for something special.

Make the most of your tithe and offerings to our church! Invite a friend! Don't let this simply be an entertaining Sunday for you and your family, let's invest in a person who is un-churched or out of church.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Off to Youth Convention

Today I will do the early morning Schulte's snack shop run with the kids and then help out at their public school for three hours. Then I will prepare for Youth Convention. We leave at 1:00 p.m. today. I am really looking forward to attending. It is a great event for our teens, but I am looking forward to a real touch from God for me too!

Several people have asked about the musical groups that will be at convention. Worship will be provided by The Anthem. Check them out. They are very good! I would love to invite them to Washington some time. I have actually contacted them about coming in recent months. Caleb Rowden will also be there.

We will return Saturday around 5:15 or 5:30 p.m. If you would like phone call or text message about our exact arrival time home on Saturday please get me your cell #. We will contact you on our way home.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Our e-vite for How Great is Our God just went out. An e-vite is an email invitation to church! I hope that you will have opportunity to forward it on to some friends in the area who might attend on October 26th.

If you want our e-vites, please sign up for the e-mail list in the space in the right hand column of the blog.

Hmmmm, What Are We Giving?

We have ordered golf balls with the globe imprinted on it to give away on October 26th to go along with the "How Great is Our God" outreach message. There are more invitation cards in the foyer that you can pick up Sunday. A e-vite will go out later today for everyone who has signed up on the First A/G E-Mail List, to the right of this screen. I think that we can invite a lot of friends to this and have as many as 160 people at church.

Let me encourage the nursery workers and greeters to be at church early on October 26th so that we can particularly care for first-time visitors.

Getting Ready to Go

Leaving for convention on Friday at 1:00 p.m. We will return Saturday around 5:15 or 5:30 p.m. If you would like phone call or text message about our exact arrival time home on Saturday please get me your cell #. We/I will contact you on our way home.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How Great is Our God

Tonight we will be showing a special message titled, "How Great is Our God." You will absolutely love this message about the greatness of our God and the intimacy of his care for you. The picture above is a photo that we are using on invitation cards that will be available tonight. It is a picture of our sun (the dot) next to the largest star that astronomers have found so far, named Canis Majoris, which will not even fit in the picture! I can't wait for you to see how this image complements the message that you will see tonight. The goal is for you to view the message and then be able to invite friends to church on October 26th for a special viewing of the message again in our morning services. Each person attending the service will receive a small gift to help them remember the message.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Attic Youth

Last night I was asked by Dylan to speak to your youth. It was really fun! I shared a message that was 15 minutes long. I was shooting for 12, but went over 3. I gave them 6 implications of John 3:16 which says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." Here is the message and its six implications.

One, there is a God. The Bible tells us that he created everything for his pleasure and thus, he is over all the universe and it all belongs to him. Two, God loves what he has made. He is passionately and intimately involved in the details of what he made. He loves individual people. Three, God allows his creation to make choices so that we can truly love him and we often choose poorly. God wants to forgive those poor choices and is so passionate about it that he was willing to trade his son to forgive your personal poor choices and your sin. Four, there is a decision to make about his son. Whoever believes, means that anyone can believe, but that some may not. Five, there are negative consequences to rejecting Christ, both now and in eternity. Six, when we choose Christ we have eternal life and that life starts, not when we die, but as soon as we receive his forgiveness.

To close it up I showed them where the Bible tells us to judge ourselves and the the bible requires us to make spiritual judgements. People think that the Bible tells us not to judge, it tells us not to be judgemental. However, it tells us many more times in many places to judge between good and evil, especially in ourselves!

Six teens responded to the opportunity to ask for God's forgiveness and know that they are right with God. For most of them it was something that they had done before, but wanted to be sure, or needed to re-start their walk with the Lord.

Afterwards, I planned to allow them to ask me any question they wanted, and they did! They have some great questions. I love Q & A! Here are some examples:
-When we get to heaven can we be kicked out?
-What do you do when Science and the Bible contradict each other?
-Will we have wings, wrinkles, or animals in heaven?
-Can a homosexual change their orientation?
-Do you have the entire Bible memorized or something?

I had a great time. It is so much fun to hang with this group. We can still add some to the youth convention trip. Don't let your teen miss out?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Checking the news this morning I found an article that reminded me of the immense value that God sees in you.

A jug (supposedly French) went up for sale a few months ago for about $300 bucks. A few buyers saw the piece and thought it might be more special than the sellers assumed and a bidding war ensued. The jug ended up selling for 220,000 pounds ($383,514.00 USD) in England! Now the jug has sold at Christie's auction house for 5.58 million! It is a crystal jug that is carved out of a single piece of rock, not a fabricated or formed piece of glass!

What is the lesson? You may think that you are just another brick in the wall, that you are insignificant and not very valuable. However, in God's eyes you are priceless. He sees in you what other buyers miss. Other buyers may put a low value on you, but God sees your real worth. God realizes the potential that you have to do great things with your life. If you will submit to God and allow him to purchase you through Jesus Christ, you will see just how valuable you are! God did not give money to buy you, he basically traded your life for his son's! I am telling you, you are priceless.

Well, the article has an unusually funny ending! Check it out for yourself, and see a picture of the "jug".

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weekend Rewind

Sunday was one of those really fun preaching experiences. I love preaching about dreams that God has for us. I love helping people realize those dreams and do something for God. I left the survey open ended and allowed people to write short answers. I was looking for occurrences of the same answer in this free format, indicating that perhaps God is leading us in a particular direction by the Holy Spirit.

We ended the message with a survey that asked three questions:
1. If you could do anything in life and were guaranteed not to fail what would you do?
2. What kind of help have you always wanted to provide in church?
3. What way have you always wanted to tell people about Jesus, but have not yet accomplished?

Here are some interesting findings from the survey.
-7 people want to do short term missions work.
-5 people want to help with outreaches.
-4 people want to help hurting underprivileged kids.
-3 people want to share Jesus through pro-life activities.

Here are some particular answers that really struck my heart.
Question #1:
-I want to teach High School Chemistry.
-I want to be an inventor.
-Work with special needs children.
-I want to raise my kids to be on fire for Jesus.
-I want to be a nurse.
-I want to be a missionary.
-I would become a scenic photographer.
Amazingly, I can see all of these talents and goals submitted to God and used for his glory!

Question #2:
-I am doing what I have wanted to do for a part of the worship team.
-I want to encourage others to witness to the lost.
-God would like me to start a Bible study to help young mothers.

Question #3:
-I have never witnessed to a stranger.
-I want to communicate more clearly.
-I want to have the words to say.
-I want the Holy Spirit to lead me more.
-I want to provide mentoring and financial or material help for dysfunctional families that commonly turn to gov. assistance.
-Through teen pregnancy assistance.

I think that there might be some ministry opportunities that will develop out of this survey. We have groups of people who all have the same passions, but don't know it! I did not know it! Let's see what God wants us to do together.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Layman's Look at the Bailout

As a pastor, I am not considered a layperson in church terms. In banking terms I am a layman! I am not a banker, or the son of a banker. I am not an economist. I realize that some have a broader view of the economy and understand the globalized money markets better than I do. Nonetheless, I have a few thoughts on the current financial crisis.

First, let me say that I am interested! I have lost 33% of my retirement savings in the last few months, and I did not have much to start with. So, I don't make these comments carelessly. Furthermore, I feel most strongly for older investors who are retired and living on a 401-K or other investments that have also declined by roughly 33% like mine. They don't have 30 years of work and future investment ahead of them to heal from this fall. I feel most for them. Many of them have been very responsible, yet are caught in the web of others irresponsibility.

Second, let me say that the idea of the government bailing out anybody is a disgusting thought to me. Republicans say that we need to bail out the bankers. I say, those irresponsible folks have been offering despicable loans (Ezekiel 18:8) and advice to people for the last few years that I end up hearing about in my office through the tears of people who are about to lose everything. They have been so irresponsible, offering balloon notes and often hiding the fact from the consumer! They have encouraged people to roll their credit card debt into their home loan assuming virtual collateral in the house that was inflated and not really collateral at all! Bail out the banks, no way. Let them fold, close, and learn not to offer these horrible, greedy, unprincipled products to the public.

Third, the Democrats are saying that the bailout needs to bailout homeowners who are facing foreclosure. Again I say, no. If you are a consumer who went for one of these loan products that seemed to good to be true, then think better next time and live within your means like a responsible citizen (Proverbs 6:1-5)! I know scores of people who are upside down on their house and having trouble with the payment. I truly feel their pain! I am praying for them. However, many of them make far more as a household than I do, some up to three times what I earn in a year. Yet, I am making my payments and paying my bills, even as my bills (insurance, gas, utilities, food) have skyrocketed this last year! I too work a second job for further income as many of them do. I understand the pinch, but I see the root of the pinch, irresponsibility. We have made financial progress and increase an idol which we worship!

Here is my bailout package, Paul Scheperle style.
Let's give the 700 billion to the responsible citizens who are paying their bills and living within their means. This is a reward package, not a bailout. My income is a couple thousand dollars per year more than the median income reported in the 2,000 U.S. census for a household. I pay my for my wife and children's individual health insurance policies out of that taxable income. I am eligible for government (Sate of Missouri ) health insurance (based on income), but I choose not to receive it. And, in 2008 I am paying my bills, and current on everything. Let's stimulate/reward the responsible people, rather than bailing out those who have acted irresponsibly.

How do I make it? Honestly there are times when I am not sure! But I know this, I budget so that I can be sure to pay my tithe (10%) to my local church (Malachi 3:10), and give to missions work and aid around the globe as well (Acts 10:5). By being a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7) you learn to live WAY under your means and you look for ways to save money so that you can give to others. At the end of the year you can compare your gross income listed on your W-2(s) with your giving records. You may find that you gave 12-14% or even more to God's work. Don't think you can give to get (James 4:3), but understand this, God gives back to a cheerful and content (1 Timothy 6:6) giver.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Small Groups #2

In the study for the "Story of the Saints" series, I am learning about the power of Small Groups in church history. I am learning things I did not realize ever before!

In Acts, the believers met in homes all over the globe. Pietism in the 1,700's was fueled by small groups who met for accountability, study and prayer. Moravian Brethren had a system of small groups for the same purposes. Early Methodists attended church, or their parish, but met in small groups through the week for prayer, study and accountability. The Sunday school movement basically met the needs of smaller, age appropriate groups of believers in a congregation. The Church in China and other persecuted areas is flourishing today as the church meets in small groups and in homes.

When Christianity becomes a Sunday morning only practice, when it is a large group concert or mob experience only, we loose the community and family experience that God intends for us. When our Small Groups only meet for game nights and fellowship we also loose out on what God intends. Let's remain passionate about our Groups. Let's remain passionate about meeting with God and with others in our Small Groups. Let's keep the tradition of passionate Christians who met in small groups through the ages and in turn, changed their world!